Habitat for Humanity, Indonesia – held their annual event to commemorate our national “Youth Pledge Day”. This year, I got a chance to participate in this event, which is called 28uild (read: to build) on Saturday, 26th October 2019 in Wringinanom village, Gresik.

This programme was open to the public and our school were allowed to send 20 participants only. I was so excited to register. Beforehand, I did my own research about Habitat for Humanity. I learnt that they typically build houses that have a reinforced concrete structure, brick walls and a lightweight steel roof. Each house is between 26 and 28 square meters in size, with two bedrooms, a multipurpose room as well as water and sanitation and waste disposal facilities.

This programme gives you the chance to contribute in a positive way. I had the experience to help with the building of a house using light bricks and cement. I also made friends with students from other schools.

I noticed that this non-governmental organization is very beneficial for villagers living in slums. It helps them to have decent housing for their family and I believe it could reduce cases of poverty.

I feel blessed that I was able to join this experience, as I could see an impact for the families. I came up with one quote related to this experience, which is “Blessed to be a blessing.” This programme is improving the state of the natural environment, encouraging the observance of human rights, and improving the welfare of the disadvantaged.

From their motto, “Building homes, saving lives, building HOPE!” I could conclude that by joining this service experience, we build hope for people that need houses and I am proud that I am a part of this experience.


Timothy Christian Setioso – 12 Science 2

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